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A conserved local structural motif controls the kinetics of PTP1B catalysis


Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is a negative regulator of the insulin and leptin signaling pathways, making it a highly attractive target for the treatment of type II diabetes. For PTP1B to perform its enzymatic function, a loop referred to as the “WPD loop” must transition between open (catalytically incompetent) and closed (catalytically competent) conformations, which have both been resolved by X-ray crystallography. Although prior studies have established this transition as the rate-limiting step for catalysis, the transition mechanism for PTP1B and other PTPs has been unclear. Here we present an atomically detailed model of WPD-loop transitions in PTP1B based on unbiased, long-timescale molecular dynamics simulations and weighted ensemble simulations. We found that a specific WPD-loop region— the PDFG motif—acted as the key conformational switch, with structural changes to the motif being necessary and sufficient for transitions between long-lived open and closed states of the loop. Simulations starting from the closed state repeatedly visited open states of the loop that quickly closed again unless the infrequent conformational switching of the motif stabilized the open state. The functional role of the PDFG motif is supported by the fact that it (or the similar PDHG motif) is conserved across all PTPs. Bioinformatic analysis shows that the PDFG motif is also conserved, and adopts two distinct conformations, in deiminases, and the related DFG motif is known to function as a conformational switch in many kinases, suggesting that PDFG-like motifs may control transitions between structurally distinct, long-lived conformational states in multiple protein families.

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