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PREreview of FAST principles for preprint feedback

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Summary of the work:

In this work authors have provided a list of principles for a better preprint feedback system, which not just include the author, reviewer or journals rather everyone in a scientific/non scientific community.  The problem they asses here is the flooding of preprints in the preprint servers as seen during covid pandemic leading to issues in management of information by traditional peer review process. Also its said that in the process of reviewing a paper, there are many of the comments are hidden from the public. Here they list our a set of principles called FAST for the community to comment accordingly in preprint , helping journals to review the preprints faster and in unbiased manner.

I appreciate that this process will enhance the rigor of the scientific work carried out by the authors and may provide insightful findings or ideas from the people not from the same scientific background and will also improve collaborations.

Comments to implement the system

-Increasing awareness of preprint feedback system: As authors have pointed out these FAST principles are applied into many journal clubs but in order to implement it as a basic norm. We can put preprint commenting using FAST principles in  various coursework of the graduate students. Which will improve their participation and understanding the nature of scientific commenting. Also, this group of people are more socially active than the other members of the community hence leading to better spread of these principles.

-In many places authors have mentioned the feedback process in various preprint servers as simple comments. I guess here we need to have a dedicated server where the preprints are retrieved from the preprint servers and are actively commented by various users in the community.

-Lastly , I find preprint feedback also needs a community of science communication so that the general public can take an interest and comment.