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Structured PREreview of Factors Influencing Voluntary Enrollment in National Health Insurance Funds among Market Vendors: A Case of Mwanza, Tanzania

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Does the introduction explain the objective of the research presented in the preprint?
The aim of the study was to determine the factors influencing voluntary uptake of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) among market vendors in Mwanza. The introduction shows the specific factors being investigated.
Are the methods well-suited for this research?
Highly appropriate
The methods are well suited for the research. The use of cross-sectional descriptive design is appropriate for the stated objectives. The use of questionaires is used well for a quantitative research as information is systematically collected for different factors. The methods are in unison with the stated objectives.
Are the conclusions supported by the data?
Highly supported
NHIF enrolment is mainly affected by the perceptions of the vendors about the program. quality of the program and awareness about the program. Lack of awareness about the program and negativity about the program led to low enrollment. This has been confirmed by the data collected.
Are the data presentations, including visualizations, well-suited to represent the data?
Somewhat appropriate and clear
The use of quantitative data and collection using questionnaires allows better ways of visualization and ease of understanding. There is use of tables, charts, and graphs to illustrate key results.
How clearly do the authors discuss, explain, and interpret their findings and potential next steps for the research?
Somewhat clearly
They identify key factors influencing NHIF enrollment among market vendors, such as awareness, perceptions of healthcare quality, and socio-demographic characteristics. They emphasize further education for the vendors, more public education and further communication strategies to increase the number of vendors enlisting in the program. The authors have managed to affirm their findings and give room for further research.
Is the preprint likely to advance academic knowledge?
Highly likely
It addresses a specific gap in the literature regarding the factors influencing voluntary enrollment in the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) among market vendors in Mwanza, Tanzania. It focuses on the informal sector, which seems to be under researched. The study employs quantitative methods to analyse the socio-economic factors. There is emphasis on education and communication techniques to improve NHIF uptake.
Would it benefit from language editing?
There may be a need to rephrase some words/sentences. There must be consistency in the use of terms. Grammar can be looked into, and academic tone should be maintained all through. A link between paragraphs should show transition. It may enhance clarity if technical terms are defined at some point in the paper.
Would you recommend this preprint to others?
Yes, but it needs to be improved
The paper can be recommended to people interested in socio-economic factors affecting low-income vendors, hospital insurance fund applications for vendors, and public awareness strategies on increasing uptake of the NHIF in respective countries. All this may lead to better methods of data collection and dissemination of collected results.
Is it ready for attention from an editor, publisher or broader audience?
Yes, after minor changes
Formatting and styles can be looked into. Current relevance to a general audience should be shown. Language can be simplified to fit the general audience, and the use of visual aids can be enhanced.

Competing interests

The author declares that they have no competing interests.

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