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An Inception Cohort Study Quantifying How Many Registered Studies are Published


We quantified how many studies registered on the Open Science Framework (OSF) up to November 2017 are performed but not shared after at least 4 years. Examining a sample of 315 registrations, of which 169 were research studies, we found that 104 (62%) were published. We estimate that 5550 out of 9544 (58%) registered studies on the OSF are published. Researchers use registries to make unpublished studies public, and the OSF policy to open registrations after a four year embargo substantially increases the number of studies that become known to the scientific community. In responses to emails asking researchers why studies remained unpublished logistical issues (e.g., lack of time, researchers changing jobs) were the most common cause, followed by null results, and rejections during peer review. Our study shows that a substantial amount of studies researchers perform remain unpublished.

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