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A Nationwide Online Tracking System of pediatric ICU demand and capacity during a respiratory epidemic in Uruguay

SciELO Preprints

Monitoring national capacity of pediatric intensive care (PICU) beds is important for resource allocation. We describe the development and application of an online tool for bed occupancy monitoring during the respiratory epidemic of 2023 in Uruguay. A 5-minute survey was sent out daily to each PICU designated staff utilizing an instant messaging application, throughout the 12-week of 2023 winter season. The survey gathered information on staffed bed capacity, occupancy rates, invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) demand and number of children admitted for lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs). Data was manually entered using the REDcap Software platform. A comparison between PICUs from the capital city Montevideo (MVD) and the inland region (INN) was performed. Participating PICUs had access to a daily dashboard with nationwide data. We collected data from 100% (n=20) of Uruguayan PICUs, 68% in MVD (2.72 PICU beds per-10,000 <18 years) and 32% in the INN (0.86 PICU beds per-10,000 <18 years). National average bed occupancy rate was 55.5%, without differences between MVD and INN. However, LRTI admissions and IMV incidence were notably higher among INN PICUs compared with MVD PICUs, 83.0% vs. 71% (P<0.01) and 19.9% vs. 14.7% (P<0.01) respectively. During one week occupancy exceeded 80% without differences between MVD and INN. The implementation of a nationwide PICU bed monitoring tool was possible. Although occupancy rates did not reach critical levels at a national grade, regional differences were found that merit further study to improve vital PICUs resource allocation.

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