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How does planetary health redefine our steps? An integrative review on climate change and global physical activity

SciELO Preprints

Introduction: Climate change is altering individual behaviors, particularly in terms of physical activity, with significant implications for body and mental health. Objective: This review aims to provide insights for researchers, public health professionals, and policymakers to promote physical activity effectively in the face of climate change challenges. Methods: We conducted an integrative review of studies involving adults published in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, using databases such as PubMed, Scielo, Lilacs, Web of Science, and Embase. Results: Eighty-three papers were included, revealing that heat waves reduce outdoor physical activity, while indoor activities are gaining popularity due to poor air quality. Sea level rise affects coastal areas and water-based sports, limiting access to these activities. Public policies are needed to promote physical activity for various groups, considering their specific needs and limitations. Despite these challenges, physical activity can increase resilience and be a catalyst for lifestyle changes, especially in areas most affected by climate change. Conclusion: A multidisciplinary approach is crucial for developing solutions to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change on physical activity. This review highlights the urgent need for adaptation strategies in promoting physical activity in the face of a changing environment and its implications for public health.

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