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Association of COVID-19 risk factors with systemic fungal infections in hospitalized patients


Purpose: A new category of systemic co-infections that emerged with the COVID-19 pandemic is known as COVID-19-associated (CA) fungal infections, which include pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA), candidiasis (CAC), and mucormycosis (CAM). We aimed to study the association between patient characteristics of hospitalized COVID-19 patients, COVID-19 comorbidities, and COVID-19 therapies with secondary non-superficial fungal infections. Methods: We performed descriptive and regression analyses of data from 4,999 hospitalized COVID-19 patients from the University of Kentucky Healthcare (UKHC) system. Results: The patients with secondary systemic fungal infections had a 6-fold higher risk of death than those without such infections. Generally, the risk factors for severe COVID-19 (age, obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and lack of COVID-19 vaccination) were strong predictors of a secondary fungal infection. However, several characteristics had much higher risks, suggesting that a causative link may be at play: ICU admission, mechanical ventilation, length of hospital stay, and steroid use. Conclusions: In sum, this study found that the known risk factors for severe COVID-19 disease, age, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, ventilation, and high steroid doses were all predictors of a secondary fungal infection. Steroid therapy may need to be modified to account for a risk or a presence of a fungal infection in vulnerable patients.

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