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Divergent mechanisms of steroid inhibition in the human ρ1 GABAAreceptor


ρ-type γ-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors are widely distributed in the retina and brain, and are potential drug targets for the treatment of visual, sleep and cognitive disorders. Endogenous neuroactive steroids including β-estradiol and pregnenolone sulfate negatively modulate the function of ρ1 GABAAreceptors, but their inhibitory mechanisms are not clear. By combining four new cryo-EM structures with electrophysiology and molecular dynamics simulations, we characterize binding sites and negative modulation mechanisms of β-estradiol and pregnenolone sulfate at the human ρ1 GABAAreceptor. β-estradiol binds in a pocket at the interface between extracellular and transmembrane domains, apparently specific to the ρ subfamily, and disturbs allosteric conformational transitions linking GABA binding to pore opening. In contrast, pregnenolone sulfate binds inside the pore to block ion permeation, with a preference for activated structures. These results illuminate contrasting mechanisms of ρ1 inhibition by two different neuroactive steroids, with potential implications for subtype-specific gating and pharmacological design.

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