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Unraveling the genetic legacy of commercial whaling in bowhead whales and narwhals


Commercial whaling decimated many whale populations over several centuries. Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) and narwhal (Monodon monoceros) have similar habitat requirements and are often seen together in the Canadian Arctic. Although their ranges overlap extensively, bowhead whales experienced significantly greater whaling pressure than narwhals. The different harvest histories but similar habitat requirements of these two species provide an opportunity to examine the demographic and genetic consequences of commercial whaling. We whole-genome resequenced Canadian Arctic bowhead whales and narwhals to delineate population structure and reconstruct demographic history. Bowhead whale effective population size sharply declined contemporaneously with the intense commercial whaling period. Narwhals instead exhibited recent growth in effective population size, reflecting limited opportunistic commercial harvest. Although the genetic diversity of bowhead whales and narwhals was similar, bowhead whales had more genetic diversity prior to commercial whaling and will likely continue to experience significant genetic drift in the future. In contrast, narwhals appear to have had long-term low genetic diversity and may not be at imminent risk of the consequences of the erosion of genetic diversity. This work highlights the importance of considering population trajectories in addition to genetic diversity when assessing the genetics of populations for conservation and management purposes.

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