ASAPbio Meta-Research Crowd
The ASAPbio Meta-Research Crowd reviews preprints about the practices, policies and infrastructure of open
science and scholarship.
- Club leads
Jay Patel, Stephen Gabrielson, and Martyn Rittman
Join the club
Stephen Gabrielson, Deepak Shivrambhai Antiya, Randa Salah Gomaa Mahmoud, Melissa Chim, Allie Tatarian, Ashley Farley, Abebe Melis, Gliday Yuka, Rachel Riffe, Chalermchai Rodsangiam, and Martyn Rittman reviewed
Article Processing Charges Threaten Global Health Equity: Open Access is Closed Science
- Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
- Review published
- Preprint server
Martyn Rittman, Randa Salah Gomaa Mahmoud, Melissa Chim, Deepak Shivrambhai Antiya, and Fabrice Chethkwo reviewed
Exploring Open Science and Research Ethics in the Basic Sciences: Findings from a Qualitative Study
- Review published
- Preprint server
Jay Patel, Deepak Shivrambhai Antiya, Martyn Rittman, Theodora Bloom, Melissa Chim, Ashley Farley, and Xiuqi Li reviewed
“Does it feel like a scientific paper?”: A qualitative analysis of preprint servers’ moderation and quality assurance processes
- Information Systems and Management
- Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
- Review published
- Preprint server
Martyn Rittman, Saeed Shafiei Sabet, Gliday Yuka, Melissa Chim, Chalermchai Rodsangiam, Lamis Elkheir, and Xiuqi Li reviewed
Public Understanding of Preprints: How Audiences Make Sense of Unreviewed Research in the News
- Information Systems and Management
- Review published
- Preprint server
Jay Patel, Queen Saikia, Teena Bajaj, Martyn Rittman, Lamis Elkheir, and 1 other author reviewed
Estimating global article processing charges paid to six publishers for open access between 2019 and 2023
- Review published
- Preprint server
Stephen Gabrielson, Neeraja Krishnan, Konstantinos Geles, Saeed Shafiei Sabet, Queen Saikia, Melissa Chim, Nicolás Hinrichs, Chalermchai Rodsangiam, Martyn Rittman, and 2 other authors reviewed
Open Science interventions to improve reproducibility and replicability of research: a scoping review preprint
- Information Systems and Management
- Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
- Review published
- Preprint server
Melissa Chim, Stephen Gabrielson, Allie Tatarian, Jessica Polka, and Dibyendu Roy Chowdhury reviewed
Describing the landscape of medical education preprints on medRxiv
- Information Systems and Management
- Health
- Review published
- Preprint server
Stephen Gabrielson, Dibyendu Roy Chowdhury, Ashley Farley, and Gary McDowell reviewed
Preprint review services: Disrupting the scholarly communication landscape?
- Information Systems and Management
- Review published
- Preprint server
Melissa Chim, Stephen Gabrielson, Dibyendu Roy Chowdhury, Pen-Yuan Hsing, and Kim Powell reviewed
Biomedical researchers’ perspectives on the reproducibility of research: a cross-sectional international survey
- Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
- Health Informatics
- Information Systems and Management
- Review published
- Preprint server
Melissa Chim, Allie Tatarian, Martyn Rittman, and Pen-Yuan Hsing reviewed
Controlled experiment finds no detectable citation bump from Twitter promotion
- Health
- Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
- Sociology and Political Science
- Review published
- Preprint server
Martyn Rittman, Allie Tatarian, and Dibyendu Roy Chowdhury reviewed
A Quantitative Study of Inappropriate Image Duplication in the JournalToxicology Reports
- Biophysics
- Safety Research
- Review published
- Preprint server
Stephen Gabrielson and Jessica Polka reviewed
Analytical code sharing practices in biomedical research
- Information Systems and Management
- Information Systems
- Biophysics
- Review published
- Preprint server
Jessica Polka, Martyn Rittman, and Aneth David reviewed
Is biomedical research self-correcting? Modeling insights on the persistence of spurious science
- Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
- Safety Research
- Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
- Review published
- Preprint server
Stephen Gabrielson, Melissa Chim, Nicolás Hinrichs, Allie Tatarian, Ashley Farley, and Yueh Cho reviewed
To Preprint or Not to Preprint: A Global Researcher Survey
- Information Systems and Management
- Health
- Review published
- Preprint server
Melissa Chim, Philip N. Cohen, Martyn Rittman, Stephen Gabrielson, Yueh Cho, Jonny Coates, Nicolás Hinrichs, and Kim Powell reviewed
Unreviewed science in the news: The evolution of preprint media coverage from 2014-2021
- Information Systems and Management
- Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
- Health
- Review published
- Preprint server
Melissa Chim, Martyn Rittman, Gary S McDowell, and Jessica Polka reviewed
Predicting causal citations without full text
- Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
- Information Systems and Management
- Review published
- Preprint server