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Tunable DNMT1 degradation reveals cooperation of DNMT1 and DNMT3B in regulating DNA methylation dynamics and genome organization


DNA methylation (DNAme) is a key epigenetic mark that regulates critical biological processes maintaining overall genome stability. Given its pleiotropic function, studies of DNAme dynamics are crucial, but currently available tools to interfere with DNAme have limitations and major cytotoxic side effects. Here, we present untransformed and cancer cell models that allow inducible and reversible global modulation of DNAme through DNMT1 depletion. By dynamically assessing the effects of induced passive demethylation through cell divisions at both the whole genome and locus-specific level, we reveal a cooperative activity between DNMT1 and DNMT3B to maintain and control DNAme. Moreover, we show that gradual loss of DNAme is accompanied by progressive and reversible changes in heterochromatin abundance, compartmentalization, and peripheral localization. DNA methylation loss coincided with a gradual reduction of cell fitness due to G1 arrest, but with minor level of mitotic failure. Altogether, this powerful system allows DNMT and DNA methylation studies with fine temporal resolution, which may help to reveal the etiologic link between DNA methylation dysfunction and human disease.

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